Deerfield > Support > Customer Service > Personal Service with a :-)® Personal Service with a :-)®

From the minute you download our software, wants to ensure that you have the information you need to make an informed purchasing decision. At, we strive to take customer service to a higher level by ensuring you are treated in a prompt, courteous, and personal manner.

As more shopping is done on the Internet, there is less interaction between the customer and the company. Not to mention, it's getting harder to talk to a real person when you have a question regarding a product or service.

When you download a product, you have the option to receive a personalized email from a Sales Associate that you may contact at any time during the evaluation period. This email includes the specialist's name, an 800 number with their direct extension, and their personal email address.

If you have any suggestions or comments on "Personal Service with a :-)®", please write to us at

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