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   Deerfield > VisNetic MailFlow > Features > Email Tracking Collaboration

Automatic generation and tracking of service incidents

VisNetic MailFlow has extremely robust email tracking features, ensuring that service representatives never miss, ignore, or forget about a customer inquiry.

Customer email correspondence is handled in the form of a ticket; and each unique ticket represents a logical thread of email correspondence. A ticket will contain one or more email messages which follow a common thread of dialog with a customer. For example, a technical support inquiry and any responses to it would be contained within the same ticket, as would further dialog with this customer about this specific issue.

With VisNetic MailFlow, the status of every single email inquiry, or ticket, is retained within the system, and can be reviewed at any time.

VisNetic MailFlow also facilitates email collaboration among workgroups, allowing for the addition of private, internal notes to any ticket. Tickets can easily be transferred amongst individuals for collaboration purposes, and even split or merged as needed.

Email Management
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