Deerfield > News > Press Releases > Corporate > Release is pleased to announce the release of VisNetic MailFlow 3.5
VisNetic MailFlow 3.5 includes many highly requested features

VisNetic MailFlow 3.5:

Ticket Categories - Tickets can be classified based on custom Ticket Categories, providing organizations with new, valuable sorting and prioritizing options. Categories may also be reported upon.

Scheduled Reports - Scheduled Reports allows for scheduling of Standard reports, with results optionally being sent to the Report Owner via email.

Email Workload Distribution - Several Routing Rule enhancements including assigning a message to multiple TicketBoxes based on the percentage of Tickets in the destination TicketBoxes. When a new message is received that satisfies the routing rule and a new Ticket will be created, a query of Tickets in the destination TicketBoxes will be performed. The new Ticket will be placed in the TicketBox that will result in the most even (target) distribution of Tickets.

Enhanced Standard Response System - Recommended Standard Response to the Agent has been extended to include recommendations by TicketBox and by Category.

Extended Alert System - Multiple Age and Watermark alerts at the Category and TicketBox level. Agents and Groups may be alerted Internal to VisNetic MailFlow or to a designated email address. Watermark Alerts are based on Messages either in a TicketBox or Ticket Category and when the number of open Tickets reaches a defined b value. Age Alerts are based on Messages either in a TicketBox or Ticket Category that are created or re-opened after a defined time period.

Ticket Escalation - Ticket Escalation Groups allow an Agent to be set to escalate Tickets to a Group in addition to another Agent. If the Agent has a Ticket escalation recipient defined, they will find an Escalate toolbar button in the Ticket Properties dialog. Clicking this button will escalate the Ticket accordingly, effectively changing its ownership.

Scheduled Auto Messages - Automatically send a message to a Contact at some point in the interaction timeline (3 days after a Ticket is closed, as example). This new system provides automated follow up to inbound inquiries, and can be used to promote additional products or services, gather feedback through surveys, etc. The Auto Message System allows you to optionally create a new Ticket for the Message, while defining the Owner, TicketBox, and Ticket Category.

Scheduled Auto Responses - Automatically send email responses to Contacts based on Ticket State. The Auto Response simply sends a designated Auto Reply based on specified criteria. The Auto Response message will be added to the string of messages within the original Ticket.

Processing Rules - Processing Rules simplify inbound Message routing and work in conjunction with the Default or Custom Routing Rules and used to assign the Ticket Category based on Text Matching of the inbound message. Processing Rules are enabled on a per Custom Routing Rule basis.

Ticket Search Results Sorting - Ticket Search Results are extended to sort results by: Date, Contact, Subject, TicketBox, Ticket Category, Ticket ID, Ticket Priority, and Ticket State.

Download VisNetic MailFlow 3.5

Visit the VisNetic MailFlow web site!

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